Saturday, August 23, 2008

Foods and the Nutrition

Here are some fruits or food u need to know:

This tasty fruit offers plenty of vitamin C and can boost your sex life

Why you need them:
* Ounce for ounce, kiwis contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges. In fact, for less than 100 calories, eating two kiwis will supply you with 150 percent of the vitamin C you need each day.

* As the only fruit with significant levels of vitamin E, kiwis help to neutralize the free radicals throughout your body that can wreak havoc on cells and lead to inflammation, heart disease, and cancer.

* While they may not give you X-ray vision, the carotenoids in kiwis are among the best nutrients around for keeping your eyes in peak condition. Take that, carrots.

* Eating 2 to 3 kiwis per day helps to thin your blood, curbing your risk of stroke-inducing clots. A healthy flow of blood throughout the body also improves your sex life, ensuring firmer erections and — big round of applause — more powerful orgasms.

How to buy them:
Size doesn't matter when it comes to the quality of fresh kiwis. Instead of grabbing the biggest one, opt for fruits that yield to pressure when gently squeezed.
There are plenty of reasons to pile your plate with this leggy green vegetable

Skip limp asparagus and opt for straight stalks with compact, bright green tips. Snip off the stalk ends of fresh asparagus with a pair of kitchen sheers, then stand them upright in a jar with about an inch of water in the bottom. Cover them with a plastic bag and they'll keep for up to two days. To maintain the spears' crispness, don't wash or soak them until just before preparing.


* Like almost all vegetables, asparagus is low in calories and high in fiber. Just 12 cooked stalks supply your entire recommended daily dose of vitamin K, a nutrient that's essential for maintaining healthy bones as well as proper blood clotting and circulation.

* Asparagus is also one of the few stellar natural sources of glutathione, an antioxidant that defends your cells' DNA against damage, detoxifies pollutants, crushes carcinogens, and extinguishes inflammation.

* The folate in asparagus bolsters the production of red blood cells, the workforce that carries oxygen to working muscles. Folate also helps head off heart disease, as well as providing raw materials for the production of DNA.

* Asparagine, an amino acid in asparagus, prevents fluid retention, ensuring you look as buff as possible while also helping to lower your risk of high blood pressure.

* Those long green spears are packed with copper, a mineral critical for making connective tissue such as collagen. This precious metal also helps to keep your skin and muscles taut, and bones strong.

Surprise Muscle Foods
Add variety to your grill with these high-protein substitutes for chicken and beef

Why they're good for you: Clams are loaded with iron and are one of the few meats high in vitamin C — one serving contains nearly half of your recommended daily intake.

Prep: None needed. Just toss the shells on the grill.

How to cook 'em: Grill over high heat until they pop open.

Why it's good for you: In or out of the shell, lobster meat is significantly lower in fat than pork and beef, with a healthy dose of calcium.

Prep: While the lobster is still alive, cut it in half lengthwise, drain and reserve the juices, and brush with olive oil or butter.

How to cook it: Place the cut side down on a very hot grill for 3 minutes, then flip and pour the juice over the top; grill for another 4-5 minutes. The heat caramelizes the meat, giving it more flavor.

Why it's good for you: Deer meat has fewer calories than chicken breast and twice as much iron as beef.

Prep: Marinate in red wine or olive oil before grilling.

How to cook it: Lean meats are best cooked to medium rare, so 3 to 4 minutes per side over high heat.

Why it's good for you: This long-necked beast is very lean and contains a large amount of iron.

Prep: Drizzle with or marinate in olive oil. Since the meat is lean like venison, it needs added fat to stay moist.

How to cook it: Grill over high heat, allowing the meat to cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side.

Why it's good for you: Besides being the ultimate sailing trophy, swordfish has virtually the same number of calories per serving as chicken or beef, and it's loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fats.

Prep: Brush with olive oil and top with a squirt of fresh lemon juice.

How to cook it: Just like ostrich. Grill over high heat for 3 to 4 minutes per side.


Obesity and Dementia
A big belly now could spell trouble for your brain later
Health News
Want another reason to lose that gut? Researchers in California believe that excess abdominal fat in middle-aged individuals may raise the risk of dementia later in life.

According to the 27-year study conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, California, individuals who were obese (body mass index 30 or above) in their 30s and 40s were 74 percent more likely to have dementia in old age. But obese individuals aren't the only ones at risk. In fact, overweight people (body mass index 25-29.9) were 35 percent more likely to experience reduced brain function, compared to individuals who maintained a healthy weight (body mass index 18.6-24.9).

In addition to age and high body mass index, researchers determined that skin-fold thickness in the upper back and upper arms is also strongly associated with dementia. In fact, both men and women with the highest skin-fold measurements had a 60-70 percent greater risk of dementia compared to those with the lowest measurements.


The Remedy

Lemon slice
Date sugar*
3 oz sake
2 oz fresh lemon juice (approximately 1 lemon)
1-2 tbsp maple syrup (to taste)
Dash cayenne pepper

*This sugar alternative is made with ground dates and is available in most health-food stores.

To Make: [1] Rub a slice of lemon around the rim of a martini glass and dip the rim into the date sugar. [2] Add sake, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper to an ice-filled shaker. [3] Shake and strain into glass. (If a martini glass seems too girly, you can also serve the drink on the rocks in a short glass.) [4] Serve.

Nutrition facts for drink shown (made with 1 tbsp maple syrup): 184 calories, 23 g carbs, 0 g fat

Feeling polluted from all those holiday parties? Down one of these-the drink is based on the concept of a detox diet called the Master Cleanse, in which you use the combination of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper to eliminate toxins from the body.

Unlike refined sugar, pure maple syrup contains beneficial doses of zinc and manganese, important nutrients that help keep your immune system functioning at its peak. Plus, studies have shown that zinc helps prevent damage to the blood vessels caused by LDL cholesterol, helping slow the progression of heart disease. Make sure you get the label that says "100% pure," though-anything else is most likely made with high-fructose corn syrup and preservatives.

Sake, a Japanese liquor brewed from rice,is one of the purest alcohols you can drink. It has no additives or preservatives, and it has fewer congeners, the primary culprits responsible for nasty morning-after headaches and cotton mouth.

Capsaicin, the ingredient that gives cayenne its heat, may be the new wonder drug. It's been shown to reduce the size of prostate-cancer tumors, according to a study from the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Plus, it breaks up congestion, strengthens immunity, and increases heat production in the body-helping you burn more calories.

recipe by Sarma Melngailis


No longer a forbidden treat, eggs should be a staple in every fit guys diet.

The amino acids in eggs are converted into muscle, skin, collagen, and other body tissue more efficiently than the proteins from any other food you can eat (or drink). Egg yolks are packed with nutrients, including nearly half of a large egg's 6 grams of protein as well as almost all of the 13 different vitamins eggs supply. Yolks are also an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that protect your peepers against most forms of age- related damage.

Two eggs over easy for breakfast can help whittle down your waistline. Studies show that people who eat eggs in the morning have an easier time curbing calorie intake during the day. About 75% of the fat found in eggs is unsaturated. Research suggests that healthy men may eat up to two eggs a day as part of a low- fat eating plan without raising their risk for heart disease. Skip the bacon and sausage, however.

Two eggs provide nearly half your daily quota for choline. The compound is a key component of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that carries messages between nerves and muscles and fosters the storage of memories in the brain.

STOCKPILE THEM. Hard-cook a half dozen eggs every Sunday so you have plenty on hand during the week for egg salad sandwiches, to slice in salads, or just to eat as a quick between-meal snack.

MAKE THEM INTO A WRAP. In a small bowl, beat 2 eggs and 2 tbsp water. In a 7-inch omelet pan or skillet over medium- high heat, melt 1 tsp butter. Pour in egg mixture. When top is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, sprinkle with 1/4 cup grated reduced-fat cheddar cheese and 1/4 cup diced red and green bell peppers. Carefully slide egg onto an 8-inch whole-wheat sandwich wrap. Fold in sides, and eat.

DEVIL THEM. Cut in half lengthwise 6 hard-cooked eggs. Remove yolks and place in medium bowl; mash with fork. Add 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise and 1 tsp each Dijon mustard and white vinegar. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper. Stuff egg-white halves with yolk mixture and devour.

MF TIP Only buy eggs that are refrigerated. Before purchasing, check each egg for cleanliness and cracks. Store them in their carton in the middle of the refrigerator—not the door. Fresh eggs are good for four to five weeks after purchase, while hard-cooked eggs keep for about a week in the fridge.

Muscle Mixers

Drinking a protein shake can be like downing a shot of vodka, rum, or gin on its own. Sure, you’re a real man if you can stomach it, but it would taste a hell of a lot better if you had something to mix it with. The same goes for certain protein shakes, which guys tend to choke down simply because they need the nutrients, all the while hating that artificial flavor. Fortunately, you can jazz up a bland shake with these simple add-ons—think of them as “mixers”—guaranteed to cut that chalky taste at no cost to your shake’s nutritional value.

INSTANT COFFEE Add one teaspoon of decaf to your vanilla shakes to create an iced-coffee flavor. Alternatively, add coffee to a chocolate shake for a mocha flavor. If you’re drinking a shake pre-workout, you can use caffeinated coffee to get a stimulant effect and help you zone in on your training.

PEPPERMINT EXTRACT Use it purely for flavor enhancement—it won’t affect the nutritional content of your shake. Add a few drops to a chocolate shake for a mouthwatering mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor.

ORGANIC PEANUT BUTTER It goes well with any flavor of shake. Just put one tablespoon in your shake to transform it into a dessert-like snack. Each tablespoon contains about 95 calories, eight grams of
healthy fats, three grams of protein, and a shot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

FROZEN BERRIES Try adding one cup to your vanilla shake to transform it into a fruit smoothie. You can and should use all kinds of berries to maximize antioxidants and fiber. One cup of berries has about 50 calories and 11 grams of carbs.



Why You Need It
Like beef and chicken, salmon is a top muscle food. It's loaded with protein, plus numerous muscle-making amino acids, which the body uses readily during exercise. When you're done working out, high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the meat provide all the raw materials your body needs to make anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe your body's aches and pains.

The omega-3's powers don't end there. In lab studies, those same fats appear to help thwart at least some of the skin-cell dam- age caused by ultraviolet light. Although research is ongoing, there's a chance eating salmon may provide similar protection to your flesh when you're lounging by the pool.

Besides saving your skin, hefty vitamin D levels in salmon keep your bones strong and may help ward off colon cancer and multiple sclerosis. A six-ounce serving of salmon provides 720 IUs of vitamin D, around half of what scientists and researchers say you need each day.

To top it all off, in addition to all the other nutrients beneath those scales, salmon is packed with selenium, a mineral that may help to lower your risk of prostate cancer. One six-ounce serving of cooked salmon gives you all the selenium you need over any 24-hour period.

How to Get More
Eat It for Breakfast
Scramble eggs with sliced smoked salmon (lox) and chopped red onion. Pair your creation with a whole-grain bagel, toast, or a roll.

Make a Patty
For an easy burger substitute, mash together 8 ounces canned or leftover cooked salmon; 1/3cup cracker crumbs; 1 small finely chopped red onion; 1 egg; and a dash each of salt, pep- per, dried dill, and lemon juice. Mix it just like you would meat loaf. Form the mixture into 2 1/2 -inch-thick patties and cook on the grill or in a nonstick skillet (with a bit of added olive oil to prevent sticking). Cook until golden brown and serve on whole-grain buns.

Get Saucy
Mix together a couple of tablespoons of mustard and mayo, plus as much pepper, dill, and brown sugar as you'd like. Then, once you've got your salmon fillet on the grill, spoon the glaze evenly over the top and cook until done.

Hide It
Add cooked or smoked salmon to salads, pasta dishes, or homemade pizza.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Knowing ur self and be ur self

Empower Yourself

"Do you remember a time when you felt fully empowered - that feeling of being on top of the world, honoring yourself and your values, expressing yourself, your talents and your gifts as you choose, living the life you want. You might feel like this right now, or not. Even if you don't remember a time like this in your life, can you imagine what it would feel like, how freeing it would be?"

Empowerment is about owning our power, and it comes from within. No one can give us freedom; we have to claim it for ourselves. The funny thing about life is that when we stop blaming others and circumstances for restricting our lives, we begin to see that we have been our own persecutor, our own judge, our own jailer, and ultimately our own liberator. At first it may seem sad and frustrating, but once we start to free ourselves from our own self-defeating behaviours, beliefs and limitations, the lightness and ease kicks in and we can't help but laugh at how silly it all has been - we see how we've lived our lives as though caught in an old episode of the Twilight Zone. All we have to do is change the channel.

Owning more of your power involves being honest with yourself, connecting with who you really are on a deeper level, knowing what your needs and values are, what you like and don't like, what your passions and priorities are in life. When you know who you are, what you want and where your boundaries are, you feel empowered, confident, peaceful and on purpose in life. You trust yourself and the process of life. You know that everyone and everything that comes into your life has either a gift or a lesson to offer you. And you are able to receive and give openly and generously.


* When have you felt empowered in your life - at what times, in what situations, with which people? How did you contribute to this?

* When have you felt disempowered in your life -where, with whom? How did you contribute to this?

* Where do you currently give your power away - in what situations, with whom and why? What are you getting in exchange for your freedom and power (other's attention, approval, love etc.) and is it worth it?


* Imagine fully owning your power in the situations you tend to give it away. What boundaries would you have to set? What would you need to do for yourself to feel safe, accepted and loved in these situations?

* Explore what your needs and values are in life. The things that you need to have or be in order to feel comfortable in life (honesty, order, clarity, acknowledgement etc), and how you like to live and express yourself in life (adventure, beauty, creativity, leadership etc.). Where are you honouring your needs and values in the various aspects of your life? Brainstorm ways you can more fully honour these in all areas of your life.

* Try taking some time to let your imagination show you the possibilities of owning your power and how freeing it is. Start by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed letting your body relax. Imagine filling your whole body and energy space with a clear gold color as a way to fill yourself with your own certainty and power. Let every cell of your body vibrate with the feelings of enthusiasm and freedom. Then start to imagine what your life can be like when you are fully empowered. Go through a day, a week and even a month or year from the perspective of owning your power and honoring yourself. Notice what you are doing, saying and feeling. Just before coming back to the present moment, ask yourself what it is you most need to do or be in order to take the next step in owning your power.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

All we have to know

probably most adults know anything about this article.
but it is not bad to read it:

I had an erection when I saw guys naked in the locker room shower.
Does that mean that I am gay?

Not necessarily. Becoming aroused by nakedness, male or female, is sometimes a reaction to sexuality itself. Adolescents, in particular, are often easily sexually aroused. It is natural to be curious about satisfying sexual urges.

Time will tell you if you prefer sexual encounters and emotional attachments exclusively with other males. If that is the case then you are likely gay.

But what if I masturbated ...?

I have masturbated with other guys. Does that mean I am gay?
No. It is natural to be curious about satisfying sexual urges.
It is also common for same-gender teens to experiment sexually together.
That does not necessarily indicate, however, your lifetime sexual persuasion.

I have had erotic experiences with males and females,
does that mean that I am bisexual?

Not necessarily. Sexual orientation is developed over time. You will realize at some point whether or not you prefer emotional and sexual experiences with one or both genders. Some people become aroused by sexuality in any form … the gender of those involved in sexual acts or images is secondary to the actual arousal experienced. It isn't uncommon for heterosexual or homosexual individuals to have fantasies or at some point enjoy sexual encounters with the same gender or the opposite gender ... no matter what their sexual orientation may be.

I am a Gay, is it a mistake?

Not because you are gay. The American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association and the National Association of School Psychologists as well as other health professional organizations have long accepted the determination that homosexuality is not a disorder, and therefore is not in need of fixing.

In fact, it's been nearly 30 years since the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a "mental disorder." That official action was done after exhaustive research on homosexual behavior.

However, society as a whole is still adjusting to non-heterosexual behavior. Thus, homosexual and bisexual individuals often face a unique set of prejudices and challenges once their sexual orientation becomes known. You may find yourself in need of help to cope with the reaction of others to your sexual orientation.

There are a number of organizations with outreach services to help individuals deal with the societal prejudices associated with sexual orientation.

Oral Sex tips

One poll cites that nearly 80 percent of men say that the love oral sex performed on them; another 15 percent say they like it. So, if you want to satisfy your man's favorite fantasy, read on because to most men oral sex can be the highlight of his sexual encounter.

What's more, many men find that watching oral sex performed on them is an added turn-on. With that in mind, you may want to position yourselves before a mirror or place a mirror nearby so that he can watch you go down on him.

Another tip that can improve the fellatio experience for both partners is to coat the penis with an edible, room-temperature substance of choice (wines and puddings are popular). Not only will he enjoy watching you "paint" his penis with the material, but you will also enjoy licking it off while performing oral sex.

Start by making sure he is in a comfortable position and gently stroke the inner side of one of his legs, starting near the ankle and slowly working your way up toward his scrotum. Repeat this stroking on his other leg before touching the genital area. After stroking both legs several times, end your final stroke by sliding your hand to the perineum (the skin between his anus and scrotum) and gently massage with your fingertips before stroking his testicles and the base of the scrotum. Grasp the base of his penis in your hand and slide your hand slowly up and down as you begin licking and softly sucking the tip of his penis. Move your hand just below the head as you lick the top and then lick the rim of the head as you slide your hand down the shaft. Lick the shaft just below the head and continue down one side toward the base, then lick up the other side toward the head.

Return your mouth to the top of the penis and dab your tongue at the tiny hole, start to kiss the head with a sucking motion (just as you might the peak atop a cone of frozen custard). Close your mouth on the head and play with the head with your tongue while you continue sucking. Be sure to continue stroking his penis up and down with your clenched hand (don't squeeze too hard). Move your hand slowly down the penis as you begin moving your mouth down the shaft. Gently massage his testicles with your hand as you suck and lick your way back down the shaft toward the base; then repeat the action up the other side toward the head. (You may also want to lick each testicle and gently take each in your mouth before moving back up the shaft.)

Once your mouth reaches the top of the penis linger there and repeat the sucking and licking action on the head. When you are ready to go down on him, begin taking the head in your mouth as you suck. Meanwhile, once again grasp the shaft of the penis and perform a stroking motion as you suck the head and begin taking some of the penis shaft into your mouth. Swirl your tongue as you suck and take more and more of the penis in your mouth as you increase the fisted stroking action. Synchronize your up and down stroking with the up and down sucking motion. Lovers who are experienced at fellatio usually learn to comfortably accommodate the entire penis in their mouths … or whatever extends beyond the clenched hand.

If oral sex is part of foreplay, be sure your partner tells you or indicates when ejaculation is imminent. This will enable you to cease oral stimulation in time for him to begin intercourse. Many men enjoy fellatio performed until they ejaculate. Discuss the possibility with your lover beforehand so you are prepared to pleasure him until he is spent. If you are performing fellatio on a longtime lover … and you know that he is disease free … you may want to continue sucking his penis until he fully ejaculates.

If he is truly disease free then his semen is safe to swallow.

Real Body Chemistry

Scientists are actually getting closer to pinning down the chemical in the "body chemistry" that may attract the opposite sex _ pheromones. Pheromones, those naturally produced chemicals emitted by all organisms, have been the topic of animal and insect studies for decades. Now, human pheromones are under the microscope and the science community has high hopes that they may hold the key to what really turns us on.

Years ago, research proved that female moths emit the pheromones that ace as aphrodisiacs to attract the opposite sex. Additionally, it was discovered that male moths use their antennae to hone in on female pheromone emissions … and can do so even when exposed to a variety of other scents.

(This knowledge has actually been put to practical use. Scientists have developed a means to protect crops through the controlled release of pheromones that lure insects away from fields that they would otherwise eat.)

In the last decade, researcher Martha McClintock of the University of Chicago conducted a study that confirms that 68 percent of women participating in the study were affected by exposure to pheromones. That information has sparked an interest in the scientific community

Yohimbine … Erection Herb
In fact, the FDA has described studies involving the response of animals to the ancient aphrodisiac yohimbine as "encouraging."
Yohimbine is extracted from the bark of a tree in Africa. Generations of natives used yohimbine to stimulate a man's sexual appetite. The natural substance is said to affect the spinal nerve centers that control erections.
The herb is also known to increase blood flow throughout the body, including the penis. Some people claim that drinking small amounts powdered yohimbine in tea increases sexual drive in humans.

The aromatic cardamom is another ancient herb attributed to increased sexual excitement. Arabs have long considered cardamom an aphrodisiac and ingest it in a potion made by breaking down the plant seeds in hot water.

Cardamom is known to not only stimulate more than a sexual appetite. The spice is heavily used in recipes that range from stew to desserts. Native to India, the spice that is derived from the cardamom plant is very expensive.

Rhino Horn and Oysters
Historically, some aphrodisiacs developed a reputation for sexual stimulation because of the real impact that natural materials have on certain individuals. For example, a rhinoceros horn is loaded with calcium and phosphorus. Should someone be deficient in either substance, ingesting horn powder might well produce an overall invigorating affect.

Another well-known alleged aphrodisiac is the oyster. High in zinc, oysters may also reasonably have a positive impact on someone whose body is lacking the substance.

Spanish Fly
If there is a term that could be considered synonymous with "aphrodisiac" it is likely "Spanish Fly." The substance _ derived from a dried, poisonous beetle _ has an infamous reputation for good reason. Its active ingredient is catharidin, a highly toxic material that works much like an acid. Catharidin's caustic affect is the reason that the beetle is also known as the "blister bug."

Just touching the creature can result in the skin absorbing enough poison to cause blistering. Catharidin has been known to sometimes produce sensations of sexual desire resulting from increased blood flow in the urinary tract and other areas affected by the poison. However, take heed that ingesting catharidin can result in a variety of ailments including vomiting, severe stomach pain _ and even death.

Whatever Turns You On
Viewing pornographic materials is enough to turn some men on _ yet only the real thing gets other men's sexual juices flowing. The world of aphrodisiacs is similar in that what may be a turn-on for one person may have little or no affect on someone else.
But you may never really know what turns you on unless you give it a try.

Does Penis Size Matter?

You apparently believe that size does matter or you wouldn't be reading this. You may or may not have an average penis size, which is 5 ½ to 6 inches, but doe it really matter? While you may believe a longer, thicker penis is the answer to satisfying lovemaking not everyone would agree, particularly women.

In fact, women who participate in an informal poll overwhelmingly said it is the quality of the lover that matters, not the quantity of the lover's penis.

However, perception is reality, so we at MyHealthyPenis offer the following information concerning penile enlargement options.

Naturally, you should seek the advice of a medical professional before investing time and money in any enlargement program. That said, there are a variety of products and programs on the market that are specifically designed to help elongate or thicken a penis … at least for brief periods.

is a protein component known for allowing more blood flow to the penis, triggering the release of nitric oxide. It's stimulating effects have been cited in medical journals. Some say the substance appears to relax the smooth muscles within the penis, thereby allowing more blood to enter and create a large and firm erection. Others report no effect on penis size.

Ginkgo is a natural substance that is also known to relax the blood vessels, thereby increasing the blood flow to the penis. An herb, ginkgo is derived from a tree.

Penis Enlargement Pills are available. The pills are said to expand the penile tissue and increase the blood retention to produce a bigger erection.

The tablets contain a cocktail of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals that affect blood flow and will likely produce positive effects in some men. Others report no effect on penis size.

Smoking and Reproduction

In addition to possible impotence problems, the chemicals in cigarette smoke have also been reported to affect the hormones and enzymes in men, thereby influencing the sperm count.

Men interested in having children should do what they can to ensure that they have a high, healthy sperm count. So, if you are interested in reproducing, one of the first things you may want to toss out the window along with those condoms are those cigarettes.

Does circumcision reduce the risk for disease?
The notion that circumcision improves hygiene and the likelihood of infections has some merit, but there is not enough medical evidence to warrant a recommendation to circumcise for that reason


Keep in mind that although the penis is a pleasure tool, it is also just another part of the body. It operates on hormones, blood flow and muscular reaction just like the rest of your anatomy. An erection is simply the result of increased blood flow into the penile tissue. According to a study of male sexual dysfunction by Columbia University College, the blood flow into the penile tissues during erection is about 11 times that of the a flaccid penis.

Given that information, it is important
that men experiencing penile dysfunction do
their best to lead healthy lifestyles.
Don't smoke
Drink alcohol in moderation
Eat sensibly

Not smoking, drinking less alcohol, eating sensibly and exercising more
will not only increase your overall circulation but also
your sexual performance.

Monday, August 18, 2008

All About Axillary & The Hair

With the exception of the entertainment industry or an organized combat event,
no man should ever shave armpit hair. To do so is a display of feminism.

Cultural attitudes
in many countries, especially in much of the Western world, it is more common for women than men to shave off their underarm hair regularly for aesthetic reasons, a practice that may be connected to the overall body hair distribution of sexes. Prevalence of this practice varies widely, though.

Religious reasons and personal cleanliness requirements are sometimes cited; in Islamic culture, both men and women practice the removal of underarm hair for reasons of cleanliness. Underarm hair does provide increased surface area on which the bacteria can thrive, although deodorants and antiperspirants have come to counterbalance these issues to a great extent.

Competitive swimmers remove all body hair, including underarms, to make their bodies more streamlined before taking part in races. It is also common amongst bodybuilders and in erotica for aesthetic reasons.

Armpit hair also contributes to intensify the effects of tickling.

History of underarm hair removal
In the West, the practice began around 1915 in the US and UK, when one or more magazines showed a woman in a dress with shaved underarms. Regular shaving became feasible with the introduction of the safety razor at the beginning of the 20th century. While underarm shaving was quickly adopted in English speaking countries, especially in the US and Canada, it did not become widespread on the Continent of Europe until well after WWII.

Myth of armpit hair
Contrary to popular belief, underarm hair does not grow back thicker after it has been removed, since shaving does nothing to change the number of hair follicles in the underarm area. This myth may have begun because new hair creates stubble and can lead to redness, irritation, and ingrown hairs that may make an underarm area seem more inflamed and darker than prior to hair removal.

Another myth about armpit hair is that shaving was initially a sign of loose virtue or prostitution. There is no historical basis for this assumption, and in fact, many cultures have historically encouraged the removal of excess body hair – including armpit, chest, and pubic hair – to promote cleanliness. If hair is removed, it cannot help retain sweat, dirt, or odor-causing bacteria.

Effects of shaving
It is a commonly believed myth that shaving hair will cause it to grow thicker over time. There is nothing about the practice of shaving that produces new follicles for hair to grow out of; this myth most likely persists because stubble does not taper like hair that is allowed to grow long and because short hairs feel coarser than longer hairs of the same thickness. However, shaving does increase the likelihood of developing ingrown hairs. Armpit hair removal must be performed more frequently than leg shaving, as underarm hair grows faster than leg hair. The armpit area can darken over a period of time and even with a close shave, an "evening shadow" may be visible. Because hair under the skin can contribute to a dark appearance of the underarm, waxing, by removing the hair from the root, can effectively reduce this darkness.


this boy band is super!
they are my idol. i love the songs.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Ascension Party

About The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force

Founded in 1973, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation (The Task Force) was the first national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy organization and remains the movement’s leading voice for freedom, justice and equality.

The Task Force works to build the grassroots political strength of the LGBT community by training state and local activists and leaders, working to strengthen the infrastructure of state and local allies, and organizing broad-based campaigns to build public support for complete equality for LGBT people. The Task Force’s Policy Institute, the community’s premiere think tank, provides research and policy analysis to support the struggle for complete equality.

As part of a broader social justice movement, The Task Force works to create a world that respects and makes visible the diversity of human expression and identify where all people may fully participate in society. Headquartered in Washington, DC, The Task Force also has offices in NYC, Miami, LAs, and Cambridge.

The Fund in the Sun Foundation

The Fund in the Sun Foundation was established in 2006 as a
not-for-profit public charity dedicated to
Fire Island Pines.

The foundation’s mission is to provide funding for projects and
initiatives designed to protect, enhance and maintain the environment,
cultural life, health and infrastructure of the Fire Island Pines community.

Foremost among its objectives is providing financial support for
new initiatives and continuing activities to beautify and
maintain all of the public areas of Fire Island Pines.

In order to fulfill its commitment to the community,
the foundation will from time to time make grants to
other charitable organizations whose purpose and
activities are of interest to the residents of Fire Island Pines.



VIP Launch Party
Kick off the weekend in style. Join all the who' s who of Ascension at one of the most lavish and stunning private residences in all of the Pines. Enjoy passed hors d'oeuvres and refreshing Absolut cocktails poolside. Groove to the rhythmic sensations of NYC top DJ, DJ Corey Craig.
(Friday, August 15, 7pm-9pm, 227 Bay Walk)

Rise Up Underwear Party
Join us for the hottest Frisky Friday of the season as the boys on the island strip away their clothes and their inhibitions. The legendary underwear party held at Glo Lounge gets hot-n-heavy while DJ Kevin Graves keeps everyone moving to the beat of summer. Grab a drink to cool down while you check your clothes at the bar, and leave your reservations at home. This is a night like no other on all of Fire Island!
(Friday, August 15, 12am, Glo Lounge)

DJ Manny Lehman ignites the fire for what will be 3 days of the hottest parties of summer. Don't miss the first of three nights at Pavilion during Ascension weekend. Let the fun begin!
(Friday, August 15, 12am, Pavilion)

Float Pool Party
Get ready for the wettest and wildest event of the Ascension weekend as DNA Magazine presents The Float Pool Party! Set at one of the grandest homes in the Pines, DJ Kimberly S. will make you work up a sweat with her fierce, fiery beats. Not to stress, you'll have plenty of icy drinks to cool down, served up by our gorgeous Pines boys. Leave your city clothes at home because all you will need is that sexy swim suit you have been working all winter to fit into.
(Saturday, August 16, 2pm-6pm, 135 Beach Hill Walk)

Let your spirit rise higher at Shine, our Saturday Night Celebration featuring DJ Joe Gauthreaux. Mingle and groove on The Pines' legendary Pavilion Dance Floor. Shine will prepare your body and soul for what is to come tomorrow...
(Saturday, August 16, 12am, Pavilion)

Ascension Beach Party

The main event is to be held amidst the stunning backdrop of one of the best and most beautiful beaches in the world. Dance all day on a large custom built dance floor, filled to capacity with thousands of golden tanned beach boys moving to the rhythm of the surf and song, with DJ/Producer Chris Cox manning the turntables. Rise above your worries, drama, and troubles to enjoy a care-free day in the sun with your friends and loved ones.
(Sunday, August 17, 2008, 12pm-6pm, Fire Island Pines Beach)

AfterGlow - Closing Party

Don't stop til you get enough! Come dance the night away with old friends and new at AfterGlow, the Closing Party. San Franciso's DJ Phil B will deliver the closing notes and symphonic soundtrack of this sensational weekend.
(Sunday, August 17, 2008, 12am, Pavilion)


how to get there?

Take the Long Island Railroad from Penn Station to Sayville. You may need to transfer trains in Jamaica Station or Babylon along the way. Ask one of the LIRR employees in Penn Station or on the train as they punch your ticket if you are unsure. They will be more than happy to guide you. Round trip ticket are about $20, depending on peak and off-peak schedules. Buy before you board the train to save money.
When you arrive in the Sayville Station, there will be taxis waiting for you which offer a quick trip to the ferry for $5. The ferry is about 5-10 minutes from the train station. Though during summer, they are waiting to pick you up, if you ever need to call a cab in Sayville, the phone number is: 631-589-3500.

Make sure you get on the ferry that says: Fire Island Pines. You can catch a ferry for $14 roundtrip. Costs vary for children and pets; commuter packages are also available. For ferry fares and information, call 631-589-0810.

Total travel time from NYC to Fire Island Pines is approximately 2 - 2.5 hours.

Take the Long Island Expressway east to Exit 59, Ocean Avenue-South (Oakdale). Follow Ocean Avenue over the first set of railroad tracks, bearing left at the fork onto Lakeland Avenue. Continue on Lakeland Avenue for approximately 4½ miles, over the second set of railroad tracks to Main Street in Sayville.

Make a left turn onto Main, then an immediate right at the fork onto Middle Road. At the next light, turn right onto Foster Avenue and continue seven blocks to Terry Street. Make a left onto Terry Street for one block, then a right onto River Road. Follow the signs for the Fire Island Pines Ferry.

Parking is available across from the entrance to the Ferry. Rates for Passenger Cars are $6.00 per day Monday thru Thursday and $7.00 per day Friday thru Sunday. Seasonal parking is also available. For more information call 631-589-0810.

Horizon Coach Islanders Club runs buses from Manhattan. Enjoy express, first class service from NYC to the Sayville Ferries and back. You may board from several locations in Manhattan including Chelsea and The West Village. Tickets cost $25 one-way. Only cash is accepted on the bus. Reservations are required. Call 212-228-7100 or 631-654-2622 for schedule and more information.

Sponsorship Opportunities and General Inquiries

Adam D. Weaver =
631.597.6500 x25
...and everything specific:
Volunteering at Ascension Party =
Employment =
Entertainment =

Soy bean New research for ur body

The Soy Myth
by Mark Lani , QVegas , Tuesday Jul 29, 2008

When it comes to soy protein there are a lot of misconceptions. Some say it will lower your testosterone levels, others have stated it is not a good quality protein when compared to whey and meat protein sources. Let’s reveal the truth about this misunderstood protein.

Misguided and Misinformed
Journalists and so-called nutrition experts perpetuate myths about soy that have been proven false with research. Early research demonstrated that rats given soy protein did not grow as well as those tested with other protein sources, such as dairy. The reason for this is that soy is lower in the amino acid methionine. This caused many nutrition experts to make the claim that soy was not an effective protein for human muscle mass. We now know that rats have a much higher methionine requirement than humans, which explains why rats don’t do as well with soy. We= also know that soy is an excellent supplement for athletes and those wanting to gain muscle mass; it’s just not good for rats that are trying to bulk up!

Truth Revealed
If you are avoiding soy you are missing out on a huge list of benefi ts that are simply unheard of with any other protein powder. According to recent research soy protein enhances muscle recovery and growth, increases nitric oxide production, improves heart health and protects against certain cancers, and it even enhances the fat loss process! While research has substantiated these attributes of soy, a lot of confusion still remains.

MYTH #1: Soy lowers testosterone levels. TRUTH: Guys have been afraid of soy protein because they were fed the lie that soy lowers testosterone and increases estrogen leading to man boobs and mood swings. The reason being is soy contains phytoestrogens. These powerful antioxidants provide numerous health benefits such as reduced risk of certain cancers, specifically prostate, lowered cholesterol and reduced risk of heart disease. The chemical structure of these phytoestrogens closely resemble the structure of estrogen, hence the name. Despite these chemical similarities research confirms that soy protein does not reduce testosterone or increase estrogen.

MYTH #2: Soy does not offer the mass building benefits that whey does. TRUTH: New research reveals that soy boosts nitricoxide levels. Scientists reported that the soy phytoestrogens, geistein, increased the amount of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) produced by the blood vessels. Since NOS is the enzyme that converts arginine to nitric oxide this leads to a signifi cant increase in nitric oxide levels. Since soy also happens to be plentiful in arginine, using soy protein is a sure-fi re way to boost blood fl ow to your muscles before a workout. An increase in blood fl ow during workouts delivers more nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to the muscles.

MYTH #3: Soy Protein does not aid in fat loss. TRUTH: A recent article that was published in a 2008 issue of the journal Obesity Reviews concluded that soy does indeed have fat-loss potential. Reviewing eight human studies it was found that soy protein could aid in the fat-loss process, possibly by decreasing appetite and caloric intake. Supporting the theory comes research from the University of Illinois showing that soy protein contains peptides (small proteins) that signal the brain that you are full, decreasing eating as well as putting your metabolism in overdrive, Resulting in more calories burned throughout the day. An additional study from Alabama concluded that subjects who drank 20 grams of soy protein daily for three months lost significantly more abdominal fat than those who drank the same amount of whey or (casein) milk protein Isolate.

The Perfect Combination
Mix soy Protein with whey! Unless you have a milk allergy or you are a vegan, it is not recommended that you primarily use soy protein. The best option is to mix soy with whey protein at various times throughout the day.

Upon Awakening
At this time your body is breaking down muscle tissue for fuel due to the fasting you undertook throughout the night. Because soy protein isolate is a fast digesting protein it enters your blood stream rapidly, supplying your body with amino acids that your body can use for fuel instead of utilizing your hard earned muscle mass. Because of the boost in nitric oxide, soy protein will deliver more of the aminos to the muscles to replace the protein that was broken down during the night.

Before Workouts
Because soy boosts the nitric oxide response, taking it right before a workout gets more blood flow to the muscles to enhance energy and increase your muscle pump during your training.

After Workouts
Research has shown that taking a fast digesting protein such as soy immediately following a workout boosts muscle growth and aids in the muscle recovery process.

Bottom line: Any time a day you drink a protein shake,
adding soy to the mix will enhance the benefits that you can expect from your hard work.

all about chest and nipples

By Pamela Lister
Ask a guy about his erogenous zones and first you get a blank look, then this:
"Whaddaya mean? There's more than one?"
So before we go any further, let's just concede:
The penis is king! Long live the king!
Once you get that out of the way, guys suddenly start talking. Oh, yeah, says one, there's this little spot low on my back, gives me chills. Oh, says another, you mean that secret space behind my ear that I love to have kissed? Yeah, says one guy, it's the back of my knee, go figure, that's nearly orgasmic. Suddenly, for a bunch of guys who were all deaf, dumb, and blind two seconds ago, they've now got plenty to say about all the other hot spots on their bodies, and how they'd love for you to explore them. In fact, 5,000 men were all too happy to respond to Redbook's online poll asking where they most wanted to be touched.

So in the interest of expanding everyone's sexual repertoire, we've charted these pleasure spots for you. Incorporate them into your lovemaking, or when you've got a spare moment, just tease them a little. The possibilities are infinite -- provided, of course, that you never, ever, forget who's king.

His Nipples
B-o-i-n-g! With one little flick of the tongue, you've just commanded your man's rapt attention. A man's nipples -- the hot spot mentioned most by our poll respondents ----you've got long hair, you could probably make him a little insane by letting it drape over your face as you tend to them. If he can't see your face, he can't be distracted, and that in turn may lead him down the path toward a fantasy about who this sexy woman is with the wonderful mouth.

The thing is, though, not all guys can admit or even recognize their nipples' erotic potential because they think nipple stimulation is for girls only. That's why you can't define erogenous zones just by nerve endings. "For most people, erogenous zones have more to do with their experience and with what they're open to," says psychologist Barry McCarthy, Ph.D., coauthor of Couple Sexual Awareness. You, however, have it in your power to retrain your husband's thinking. First, tease him by running your nails lightly up and down his chest, stopping along the way to tug and play with his chest hair (nothing girlie about that). Then, while he's still mulling over that sensation, paint him with your poison of choice (chocolate sauce, whipped cream, or ice cubes if you don't want to get sticky) and gradually start to zero in on his new pleasure zone. "The first time I gently kissed and sucked his nipples, my husband was shocked," says one woman. "But he enjoyed the sensation so much that it's become part of our routine."

Check out these videotubes:

ok let's watch this big pumped dick: