Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Hottest from Argentina

Ezequiel stremiz

"This guy, which originated from Argentina
is a great successfull actor in Southern America especially.
mostly appeared in some tv shows, commercial, included soap operas and
international movie for latin (language) comunity in United states"

i saw the tv show of Desperate Housewives, Argentinian version.
amas de casa.
and in this soap, Mr Stremiz also play the roles in some episodes.
he was so hot.
his cute face makes a lot of man keep on watching him
especially when he took off his cloth and kissing his boss' wife.
and he's now pretty well known at some countries in west Europe
included Philippines.

he is so sexy. you must watch him in ur tv.
and you will agree with me. also see when he's taken picture.his smile on his face.
make him so cute and funny as well.

check out the clip of his tv show, desperated housewives, argentinian version here:

ok, i have one point that until now i disagree to say
latin american is latin. **(read it below)

let's see his pics:

* I disagree to call middle american(included mexico) and also South american
is latin. just the simple fact, that latin america society is not purely latin people.
it is true that they use the latin language.
but they are not latin people.

so now worldwide known them as latin people or latin,
just becoz american people's perception about mexican people who
immigrant to united states.
and they, American, thought mexican people is latin!
but that's not true.
that would not consolidate the true meaning of latin society.

not becoz i can speak spanish or italian
then i become latin people. right?
my skin also not white, like the indian people(red people in america continent)
seems like mexican people.

but american people introduced this "latin" term to the world
just becoz mexican people speak one of latin language.

even previous Pope who visited mexico last time said
mexican people is not latin.
most of them are mixing(?meztiso?) with red people.
well, just some of them are pure latin
(purely the descent of french or spanish or italian or portuguese)

my uncle said that if you go to spain.
there you see the latin society.
but if you go to mexico, then you would find so much
(even most of them, you find on the road in the down town)
so very similiar with our society.
you'd rarely found a white people like in telenovela/mexican soap opera.

Ezequiel stremiz

Monday, January 19, 2009

What you consumed is what you are now

effect on your daily food!

We have discovered seven strategies to not only increase testosterone and growth hormone levels, but also put "X" in sex and in this report we'll cover three of them.
Our staffer Sam Fields and his report on testosterone made our group dig some more. What we found was nothing short of amazing.
Inside of each man lives a muscle-bound ape who can lift mountains in the weight room, please a dozen women at a time, then sleep like a bear during its hibernation for 8 hours and be ready to do it all again the next day.

The research is in and we've found that the right foods can jack up your testosterone and growth-hormone levels while also shutting down estrogen production in men. If you're not feeling as "manly" as you used to, and you have more than your fair share of days when you just feel plain weak, most likely your anabolic hormones are lying dormant.

Testosterone is the currency of a young and viril man and with it comes lean muscles and erections of iron. Growth hormone (GH) on the other hand, strengthens connective tissue, meaning stronger tendons and a boost in power and muscle mass. Even better, GH seeds up muscle repair, jump-starts your immune system and improves skin elasticity for a tighter, younger, firmer looking physique.

What you eat, how you eat it and what you supplement your food with can bring to the forefront that "animal" inside of you. In this report, we give you seven keys to making it happen.

It's no secret that protein builds muscle, but the type of protein you choose can be very important. Protein that comes from whey or egg hydrolysates can increase testosterone hormone levels.

Hydrolysates are predigested proteins rich in dipeptides (two amino acids joined together) and tripeptides (three joined together). Dipeptides and tripeptides can escape digestion and go directly to the liver where they increase production of the powerful anabolic hormone insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

As a result, hydrolysates do a better job of building muscle than whole proteins or free-form amino acids so be sure to look for these when you purchase protein supplements.

Fat, it turns out, is not only ugly but also a threat to your manhood because it's rich in aromatase, an enzyme that turns testosterone into various estrogens.
Just to make clear, so that all of us are on the same page:
[estrogens = female hormone]

To boost your masculinity and enhance your body's normal disease-fighting ability, eat more broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. A recent study showed these veggies to be rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a phyto-chemical known to turn "bad" estrogens (which shut down testosterone production) into good ones which help to restore it's production.
[in some dietary coloumn, bitter melon / momordica also good for the health, andy]

Fact: bad estrogens were cut in half when
seven healthy men took 500 milligrams of I3C a day for a week.

Jon Michnovicz, M.d., Ph.D, from Rockefeller
University Hospital
stated "we have strong evidence to suggest that
indole-3-carbinol is active;
it's doing the right things to the body's
hormone system and it's doing them in
a safe and gentle way".

That does this mean to you? Aim for two servings a day of the various cruciferous vegetables which include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, cress, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, bak choy, radishes, turnip greens and watercress. If you can't handle these, 300mg of another supplement diindolylmethane (also called DIM or diindolin) which is derived from I3C does much the same thing.

Although science doesn't know why,
evidence suggests that eating meat boosts testosterone levels.
In one study, two groups of men pumped iron for 12 weeks; one group ate a vegetarian diet and the other a meat diet. Strength improved by the same amount in both groups, but only the meat eating group enjoyed marked fat loss and muscle gain. If you decide to eat meat to bulk up, avoid fatty red meat, pork and lamb which are loaded with saturated fat and instead choose fish, poultry or lean cuts of beef.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Soy full of estrogen

There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it's a "health food," one of our most popular. Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom allows anything into his kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here just so you'll know I'm not anti-health food.

The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing, and they're all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore. I have nothing against an occasional soy snack. Soy is nutritious and contains lots of good things. Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot of soy stuff, you're also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.

Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman, you're flooding your system with a substance it can't handle in surplus. If you're a man, you're suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side," physically and mentally.

In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by an excess of estrogen.

If you're a grownup, you're already developed, and you're able to fight off some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren't so fortunate. Research is now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you're giving him or her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby's endocrine system just can't cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products.
(Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because
"I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.

Doctors used to hope soy would reduce hot flashes, prevent cancer and heart disease, and save millions in the Third World from starvation. That was before they knew much about long-term soy use. Now we know it's a classic example of a cure that's worse than the disease. For example, if your baby gets colic from cow's milk, do you switch him to soy milk? Don't even think about it. His phytoestrogen level will jump to 20 times normal. If he is a she, brace yourself for watching her reach menarche as young as seven, robbing her of years of childhood. If he is a boy, it's far worse: He may not reach puberty till much later than normal.

Research in 2000 showed that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weak thyroid, which commonly produces heart problems and excess fat. Could this explain the dramatic increase in obesity today?

Recent research on rats shows testicular atrophy, infertility and uterus hypertrophy (enlargement). This helps explain the infertility epidemic and the sudden growth in fertility clinics. But alas, by the time a soy-damaged infant has grown to adulthood and wants to marry, it's too late to get fixed by a fertility clinic.

Worse, there's now scientific evidence that estrogen ingredients in soy products may be boosting the rapidly rising incidence of leukemia in children. In the latest year we have numbers for, new cases in the U.S. jumped 27 percent. In one year!

There's also a serious connection between soy and cancer in adults – especially breast cancer. That's why the governments of Israel, the UK, France and New Zealand are already cracking down hard on soy.

In sad contrast, 60 percent of the refined foods in U.S. supermarkets now contain soy. Worse, soy use may double in the next few years because (last I heard) the out-of-touch medicrats in the FDA hierarchy are considering allowing manufacturers of cereal, energy bars, fake milk, fake yogurt, etc., to claim that "soy prevents cancer." It doesn't.

P.S.: Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it's perfectly safe because it's fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu.

Posted: December 12, 2006
1:00 am Eastern


Fucking for the Beginner

As with all sexual activity,
practice makes perfect!

watch more videos here

you may find it takes you some time to get used to anal sex and the sex positions that suit you, but once you're relaxed and at ease with it, you'll most likely find anal intercourse a source of great pleasure. Of course, one of the big issues for gay men having anal sex for the first time is whether they see themselves as "active" or "passive". In other words, what sex position do you take? Top or bottom? And what does that say about your masculinity?

There's an image of the active, masculine, man as being the one who fucks the passive, less masculine, man during gay anal sex - but in reality,
both partners are active to some degree.

The man taking his partner's penis is capable of thrusting his hips, moving his pelvis and enjoying the sex just as much as the man who's doing the penile thrusting.
More recently, gay men having sex have been called the "top"
(the one doing the penetration) and the "bottom" (the one being penetrated).

This is better terminology, but it can get confusing if the bottom is, for example, sitting in his partner's lap, since you might argue he was then on top! If you're confused, don't worry - all will become clear. In fact it's probably time to abandon the notion of active and passive sex positions, and think of one's own sexual position as something that can change from time to time.

What makes anal sex pleasurable?

If you don't already know, a man's prostate gland is in an ideal position to be stimulated during anal sex when his partner's penis presses on it
through the wall of his rectum.

The more a sex position that makes that happen, the more pleasurable it will be.
(different sexual positions suit different shapes of erection) In fact,
the prostate will be stimulated by the thrusting of a penis, or finger, or dildo,
or anything else introduced into the rectum.

And this pressure on the prostate is responsible for much of the pleasure
that the man receiving his partner's penis will actually feel;
but the whole area around the anus is erotically sensitive,
and of course there's the emotional thrill of having sex as well.

If you're new to anal sex, the first thing to do is get comfortable with your own anus. You can wash it, lube it up with oil or sex lubricant and gently caress and finger it during masturbation: this will begin to open you up to the erotic possibilities of the area, and get you used to the feeling of being penetrated - albeit by your own finger.

Next, ask your partner to play with your anus as you enjoy mutual masturbation.
The idea, of course, is to learn in steps, and not to expect to know or do everything at once; the basic idea of anal sex is simple, even if you'll need to experiment with the actual sex positions you're going to use.

And as you go along, you'll also find out what sex itself - and interacting with someone else in this most intimate way - means to you, and what it tells you about yourself.

As far as anal sex positions are concerned, you'll probably want to try both roles - that of penetrator and that of being penetrated. You might find one more rewarding or pleasurable for you, or you might like both.