Monday, April 14, 2008

Kanada, Belgia dan Belanda

Canada, Belgium and Netherland

these countries are allowing the gay and lesbian marriage.
and da, you would be get the bless of your marriage if you are
the native of those country.
but there is any differences privilige of each country about
this gay or lesbian marriage.

Natherland which allows homo marriage but has some conditions.
among those conditions is one of the couple must native or local people (netherlander) or at least permanent resident.
but if you both couple from other country, you won't get the wedding approval
from government of Holland.

this gay marriage constitution of Holland happened on 31 March 2001.
and there are 3 kind of legal relation that professedly by Holland government:
1. marriage
2. Registered Partnership
3. Living together Contract.

the 1# and 2nd has the similiar rights and privilege,
but Living together Contract is different, they just made their own deals.
so when they are aparted/broke up, so they bear their own right/privilege,
including means apportionment(i mean money)
the validity or legalism of the LIVING TOGETHER CONTRACT
will be terminate if both couple are not live in the same roof and address.

However, in Canada, the conditions such in Netherland are not necessarily.
like William E. Woods (Conceptualized and initiated the Hawaii Same Sex Marriage lawsuit) said in Honolulu:
whosoever, from any country, can come to Canada and get marriage legally.
thousands of gay couple had their own gay marriage there since the legal approbation announced at Ontario, Canada

and the bishopric Anglican Church in Vancouver, Canada has approved to bless
same sex union. although has occured the split up
inside the bishopric organitation, coz some of them are pro and contra
and has their or argument or dissent about this gay marriage.

hahahha even in such more liberal country than Indonesia, but still
could pro and contra that influenced by Religion group.

and about Belgium:
Belgia has approved its constitution that allows gay and lesbian community
legally to get marriage there. that decision makes Belgium is the second country
in Europe allows homo wedding and give the same privilege as the hetero's.

but in Belgium, homo marriage (Gay and lesbian) are not allowed to adopt children.

the P. Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt said when the constitution was approved:
"Mentality has changed. there no more reason to prevent same sex marriage"

"this law will terminate what queer said as Discrimination and could embattle the homophobic" member of Belgium senate, Josy Dubie said to AFP.

(This article i translate it into english that may be are not exactly same in the english, but at least similiar meaning)

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! In Belgium we (gay couples) can also adopt children since 04/2006!


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