Wednesday, April 9, 2008


i saw a movie called Trade last night.
this is the movie that describe a real situation
about kidnapping in Mexico included the abusive thing or
arbitary to a children & then sell them to pedophilia in USA.

i just realize it, that not just in mexico, but
probably in any other poor countries such as
thailand, vietnam, or maybe Indonesia
this is so sad thing.

why dont let them, the children, choose their own path of life?
why should they kidnap the children?
why should the children're condemned to be in sexual slavery situation?

and i really grateful found some article of...
well may be the FbI or any other government security in USA
that caught the pedophilia who tried to do imorality
toward children.

hope this movie could arouse and thouch our deeper heart
of always not to bother children toward imoral thing.
God bless you.

hmmm. ok let's see the synopsis of this movie:

When 13-year-old Adriana is kidnapped by sex traffickers in Mexico City,
her 17-year-old brother, Jorge, sets off on a desperate mission to save her.
Trapped by an underground network of international thugs
who earn millions exploiting their human cargo,
Adriana's only friend throughout her ordeal is Veronica,
a young Polish woman captured by the same criminal gang.
As Jorge dodges overwhelming obstacles to track the girl's abductors,
he meets Ray, a Texas cop whose own family loss leads him to become an ally.

From the barrios of Mexico City and the treacherous Rio Grande border, to a secret internet sex slave auction and a tense confrontation at a stash house in suburban New Jersey, Ray and Jorge forge a close bond as they frantically pursue Adriana's kidnappers before she is sold and disappears into a brutal underworld from which few victims ever return.

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There was never a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people if he's any good. To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential.
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