Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's Wrong of Being a Gay?
i wonder myself when someone i know here, from asia,
told me that being a "queer of folk" is somekind of sickness/illness.

i disagree with him. 'coz it's natural endowment.
it's imprinted since in matrix of mother's belly.
some said that it is "because of the circumstances"
which influence one to be a "queer".yeah it might be.

but most of gays are just give their theory or pretext using the reason above (because of circumstance) or sometimes they just give a pretext
"because of broken heart with his pussy"
then switch himself to be a gay!
hahahhahha what a nonsense statement.
this is sometimes make me feel ridiculous!
if a man could be stimulated by a mascular man or
handsome man. it is truly a kind of homosexual.

and a pure gay it basicly shown through his eyes
when seeing a hot guy right in front of him.
you could notice it.
so you can not pretend to be a straight man!
this is happened with a gay that i recognized before.

he said something bullshit that i actually
know him better than other.
he acts as if he is a cool straight man.
but his heart always desire only for havin' sex
with man although he made love with a girl.
it's just the "cover up".

yes of course when a man's "pee pee" get into
a "pussy" it can stimulate him.
but that's not make him a straight or cool genuine man!

west people espesially in
(The Netherlands was the first country to allow same-sex marriage in 2001)
are more opened about the orientation sexuality.
may be we are in asia are more "discreet or undercover" about it
so some gays in asia just pretend to be a straight man.

talking about homosexual's marriage
not every western countries are accepted this homo case.
especially in chatolic countries.
these following countries are still debating about the homosexual marriage:
10.New Zealand
15.United Kingdom
16.united state of America (except Massachusetts state, USA (2004))
also from asia : china & Taiwan


nowadays, same sex marriage are
legally in some western countries and south africa, such as:
Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Spain, and the U.S. state of Massachusetts. and are the only countries
where the legal status of same-sex marriage is exactly the same as that of opposite-sex marriage,
though South Africa is due to fully harmonize its marriage laws.

ok, back to the point about gay
take an attention about the next article,
taken from psychology today:

".....Despite the cancellation, the APA has not issued a ban on reorientation therapy, instead believing that therapists should follow specific guidelines for treating patients seeking to alter their sexuality (therapies are not frequently regulated by the organization). In the meantime, Spitzer is working to discern whether or not homosexuality can be reversed, but with only anecdotal evidence, he's calling for more scientific research. His current study examines those who believe they have benefited for at least five years from reorientation therapy.

'I don't do this kind of therapy, and I am skeptical about the results' Spitzer says. His early findings indicate that reorientation therapy is not always successful, but he hesitates to condemn it before more research is conducted. Spitzer plans to present preliminary data next year, and hopes his work will add credence to the need for an APA symposium on the topic"

and also take a look at the following picture that content of
correspondence of Psychology about man, gay, well ok you just click
the picture for the enlargement,
so you could see what they're talking about:

so being a gay is not sickness/illness.
they are also in love, and also do the sexual intercourse
like the normal heterosexual do.
and even in history era, gay's already existed.
the problem is your choice.
re u still feel that you are a gay?
or you want to be a straight?
and haw ist your determination?
the answer is inside your heart.

if you are gay and not accepted in your country.
just try to approach the other country.


  1. In Belgium, the second country in the world to legalize gay wedding, this wedding has totalt the same rights (and obligations!!!) as the opposite sex wedding!

  2. that's a good news, yes i knew that Belgia(Belgium) is a country that allows gay wedding.
    what a favor a lovely couple gay who's born in that country. but how is the society there respond about gay marriage?


There was never a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people if he's any good. To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential.
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